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XX e identificar que factores endógenos à banda amadora capacidade técnica dos instrumentistas, disponibilidade instrumental, etc. Biografia: Luís Cardoso n. Ganhou em o Harvey G.

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Em e foi nomeado como um dos três finalistas do mesmo prémio. Em ganhou o 2. Até onde nos foi possível investigar até ao momento, em Portugal apenas duas mulheres, compositoras reconhecidas, escreveram obras para banda ou para ensemble de sopros alargado: Berta Alves de Sousa com uma obra escrita em e Maria de Lourdes Martins com três trabalhos escritos em Fundou e dirigiu a orquestra Sinfonietta Gaia entre e Maria II, em Entrevistas com dezenas de compositores e maestros portugueses e estrangeiros, emitidas em programa radiofónico, Coreto.

Resumo: Qual o real valor musical dos arquivos das bandas filarmónicas? Neste sentido, e fazendo uso à diversidade instrumental existente, pretendemos trazer para os grandes palcos o riquíssimo repertório esquecido nos arquivos das bandas. Com que objetivo? Isso posto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar a aplicabilidade de um método de ensino coletivo para banda marcial localizadas em escolas de tempo integral da cidade de Goiânia, com base no uso de metodologia específica, proposta por Alves e Sousa Joel Barbosa.

O projeto pedagógico foi pensado e estruturado de forma a envolver os alunos, os seus pais e a comunidade. DINIZ, The contribution to instructional guidance and explicit lesson planning based on the test results is explored as well as the tenets behind effective implementation of initial EFL testing. Attention will be given to learner awareness and work designed for enhanced empowerment of the student role within the learning experience even at the diagnostic level. The results of this study are further compared with current national practices in higher education in Portugal.

Providing a sweeping vision of the latest activities of ReCLes. Uma plataforma Web. Eles constroem retratos multimediais deles mesmos, da sua escola e do espaço envolvente permitindo assim uma troca de informações entre os alunos de Primalingua em toda a Europa. A rede e a plataforma de aprendizagem oferecem uma base para outros eventuais projetos comuns e troca de experiências de aprendizagem e ensino em toda a Europa.

Estas plataformas permiten que los diferentes intervinientes, estudiantes y profesores, distanciados físicamente entre sí, en diferentes países de Europa, hablando diferentes idiomas y con culturas diferentes sean capaces de un modo virtual de aprender nuevos idiomas, crear nuevas oportunidades y metodologías de aprendizaje de un modo interactivo y multimedia, sensibilizando a los estudiantes y los profesores en el uso de nuevos métodos de formación para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.

Los resultados han permitido verificar que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación, en las cuales se incluyen las plataformas de e-learning, confirman que el uso de estas herramientas de comunicación permiten crear nuevos métodos de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras y posibilitan el intercambio de experiencias culturales de un modo muy positivo y creativo para alumnos y profesores.

Histórias Policiais, um livro publicado em Matar a Imagem ; 2. As Personagens ; 3. A Casa da Areia ; 6. A Casa dos Penhascos ; 7.

Estudo sobre perspetivas de regresso a Portugal procura voluntários para responder a inquérito

A Casa das Sombras ; 8. A Casa do Nevoeiro ; 9. A Cidade Fantasma ; Fairy Tales ; A Coisa que Eu Sou ; As Rosas Mortas ; O Rosto de Deus ; Se Eu Morrer Antes de Acordar ; Até que a Morte nos Separe ; O Vale dos Malditos ; A Dança dos Fantasmas ; Intimações de Morte ; O Ponto de Vista dos Demónios ; Contos ; Se Nos Encontrarmos de Novo ; O Mar de Gelo ; O Sentido da Neve ; A Neve ; Histórias Policiais ; Quando Atravessares o Rio ; O Fim de Lizzie ; As Duas Casas ; O Fim de Lizzie e Outras Histórias ; Inverness ; A Outra ; A Pantera ; O Lago ; A Porta Secreta A escritora madeirense recebeu, em , o Prémio Caminho da Literatura Policial com o seu primeiro livro Matar a Imagem.

These teclmiques allow us to measure deformation with uncertainties up to one millimeter per year, interpreting time series of interferometric phases at colleremlstable point scatlerers. The obtained results indicate that GNSS can detect the variations in precipitation at different periods of the year and that dense GNSS networks allow us to generate images of the spatial and temporal distribution of water vapor. However, the influence of several parameters, such as number and distribution of receivers, grid sizes and initial values, has to be taken into account for the image reconstruction.

Cities developed and expanded in places where natural and environmental conditions were favorable, and they can only continue to thrive as long as they safeguard the natural resources that are the drivers of wealth and quality of life for their citizens. People living in cities value parks and green areas for their amenity and facilities, as well as for the presence of nature in urban environments, but parks and green spots remain invisible assets. Climate changes and continual urban expansion are challenges that increase the need to control surface water drainage to manage flooding and its impact on communities.

The Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra BGUC dates back to and it was built to study botany and its application to medical and pharmacy studies. From the start of its construction, the water supply for irrigation was a concern.

Anuario científico by UDI- IPG - Issuu

Over the years, it has been secured from a natural spring water source leading to the garden and distributes the inside through a system of small reservoirs and canals. Os padrões e as orientações europeias para a garantia da qualidade estabelecem que as Instituições de Ensino Superior devem dispor de uma política e procedimentos para a garantia da qualidade, designadamente dos seus programas e graus. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os instrumentos que permitem ao IPG aferir a qualidade das unidades curriculares UC dos seus cursos.

Bachelor of Accounting aims to explore the potential of students to be an analyst of the business, once that they have skills as professionals to understand the accounting information systems. This paper examines the validity, reliability and cost effectiveness of including taxation on the bachelor of accounting [1]. Indeed, it is an interdisciplinary field in which accountants theorise aspects of taxation process [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].

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However, students must learn from their experiences, which allow them to revise the management actions in the future for their jobs and firms. Indeed, this research was supported in a strong partnership between two higher education institutions HEI , such as: Guarda Polytechnic Institute in Portugal [7] and Presbyterian Mackenzie University in Brazil [8]. The data has been collected from the web-sites of each HEI to understand the design of the courses to assess the skills and experience to prepare students to competitive job market.

This comparison was made to encourage stakeholders to focus on practical experience of the business and to ensure that taxation is one of the main professional practices. In Portugal, the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education hereinafter referred to as the A3ES is the institution that has as mission to contribute to improving the quality of Portuguese higher education, through the accreditation and assessment processes of higher education institutions HEI , in general, and their study programmes, in particular, ensuring the integration of Portugal in the European quality assurance system of higher education.

The methodology of the paper takes the form of an editorial review and argument, based on the MIMS study programme undergone a formal assessment and accreditation process by an External Assessment Team, including foreign experts, who visited the HEI in order to produce a report supporting the resolutions of the assessment and accreditation process, ensuring the assessment of the study programmes quality.

The paper provides an empirical research based on information to scholars in the interdisciplinary social field of research about the assessment and accreditation process of study programmes to ensure the integration of Portugal in the European quality assurance system of higher education. The students get the knowledge and skills, techniques and scientific information, necessary for develop the professional activity in these areas, and strengthen the capacity of analysis, planning, implementation and management control, individually or integrated, these systems, both mandatory legally as a volunteer.

Another result of the paper demonstrate that the A3es have produce a positive report of the assessment process which had contribute to the highly skilled training that Technology and Management Higher School of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda aspires by helping students to differentiate them from the market and be recognized for its contribution to regional development by economic and social promotion, as well as, the competence in the training it offers.

The internet, mobile computing, social networks and many other advances in human communications have become essential to promote and boost education, technology and industry [1]. In this sense, the learning and the teaching process have to take such developments into account. As a consequence the teaching profession is evolving from an emphasis on delivering information to an emphasis on creating learning environments [2].

Indeed, the new challenges related with the integration of ITE into all aspects of the learning process require revising the traditional educational paradigms that have been prevailed for last years. Thus, on the one hand, the theoretical framework of this paper is based on literature about information technologies, in general, and information technologies in higher education, in particular. On the other hand, the empirical framework reflects the best practices in this field used in the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda IPG, Portugal.

The results of the paper show that the Higher Education Institutions HEI are facing new challenges, not only to promote an adequate education in each field of study to the students, but, also, to develop them with skills and knowledge required to leverage information technology effectively to the workplace on firms. This research was carried out in order to investigate the new challenges for public audit in consequence of the recent public accounting changes, specifically the adoption in Portugal of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards IPSAS , because the New Public Management NPM implies a new model of public management, pursuing a public sector with more transparency and accountability [1], [2], [3], [4].

IES is a new way for firms to deliver business information online to public services, by using a totally dematerialized procedure. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on accounting and taxation information that evaluate the impact of the online submission of the IES files, since firms fulfil, at once, four different obligations: 1 Deposit of annual accounts in the Commercial Registry of the Ministry of Justice; 2 Delivery of annual fiscal declaration to the Ministry of Finances and Public Administration; 3 Delivery of annual information to National Statistics Institute for statistical purposes; and 4 Delivery of information to the Portuguese Central Bank.

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This is an innovative project that joins students and professors from HEI to build an international partnership. In this particularly case, the establishment of alliances that represents the of students and professors interests in promoting good practices of corporate governance and accountability in developed and emerging countries. Thus, the development of networks connected to mobility and research projects are an effective tool to outline a policy of scientific development, with the respective transfer of knowledge to the company. The methodology of the research will be based on collecting and reviewing accessible information about higher degree study programmes in Portugal, Brazil and Cabo Verde, in particularly, 1 the curriculum design and skills and knowledge; 2 the integrated timetable and each syllabus; and 3 the definition of outcomes and results.

The data will be collected from the websites of each HEI to understand the design of the courses to assess the skills and experience to prepare students to competitive job market. This network was design to encourage students to focus on practical experience of the business and ensure the entrepreneurship of their applied project and professional practices. The main results show that the importance on a partnership of the common language, ie, Portuguese.

Another result is the scientific area of study based on the international accounting standards promoted by International Accounting Standards Board IASB then students and professors increase the knowledge and competences in this scientific area. At the same time, the distinctiveness and quality of research will engage several students to actively promote a new range of opportunities for their future life.

Working with an international network of experts and IES lies beyond the scope of this research, but are undoubtedly important and deserves future attention. Knowledge is the most important asset owned by the firm Davenport and Prusak, ; Bollinger and Smith, ; Weber et al.

It is critical to provide recognition and rewarding expertise, due to legal and normative impacts, that is mandatory on these areas which avoid work redundancies, reduce cycle time, and make faster and informed business decisions Mubarak, The purpose of this paper is to explore knowledge management through the accounting and taxation. At the same time, it reviews practices promoted by firms Boomer, ; CCH, , ; Taylor et al.

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The methodology presents a literature review that it will outline their contribution and critically discusses the research that it is timely and very important for the consolidation of knowledge management in the accounting and taxation Beijerse, ; Chua, ; Cohen, ; Anantatmula and Kanungo, Also, the paper highlights the constant change in laws, norms and rules, that introduce several externalities on the Government, Politics, Accounting Firms, Accountants and Firms relations, which mislead not only the understanding of the accounting quality but, also, the taxation expertise, to solve complex problems Snowden and Boone, Within the main results of the paper, the demonstration of the potential benefits of knowledge management raise the awareness of the accounting quality as new tendency that emerged from agile models Gunasekaran, Then, the firm explores knowledge.

At the same time, the firm creates and validates alongside ethical context from code of ethics IAASB, Indeed, from the exploratory longitudinal analysis, the firm is concentrated on best practices, because it reduces the resistance to change Bhatt, ; Dalkir, An additional result of the research about the accounting quality makes exhaustive the list of characteristics that produce wrong information on various dimensions, including the influence of the legal and political system which contributes to this line of research by showing that the management of accounting and taxation knowledge is to better understand the importance of the taxation citizenship Tuck et al.

Another result shows that the knowledge bases are used in accounting and taxation to point out new research opportunities Eccles and Galdstone. This paper focus on the environmental disclosure ED promoted by firms, due to the strong demand for information and identification of the relevant data that pursuit the new legal requirements. The methodology is separate, by one side, on the theoretical framework based on the disclosure of environmental information EI and the true and fair view based on the accounting perspective. Indeed, the paper provides an understanding of the Patten , Clarkson et al.

And, by the other side, the empirical analysis, at longitudinal and exploratory level, measures the degree of disclosure of the environmental information based on the report perspective. The aim of this article is to present some results of our research focused on the study of organizational processes related to knowledge. It is centred on their limitations and on their conceptual and operational dependence on the nature of assumptions operating in processes of human resource management HRM in organizations.

Here, it concentrates particularly on practices related to training and career development. This guided the empirical study of a quantitative nature carried out, which aimed to respond to the central matter of investigation, according to which the perspective forming the HRM practices implemented in an organization has an impact on how knowledge management KM processes operate therein.

The results obtained allow us to conclude that in the organizations studied, processes of HRM and KM are considerably operational, and that those related to people management are based on assumptions which tend to be organic, valued and developmental. Multiple regression analyses, in particular, allowed us to conclude on the predictive capacity of the HRM practices studied regarding KM processes. More specifically, it stands out that the people management practices adopted from an organic and valued perspective possess a particular and distinctive capacity to predict the organizational processes related to knowledge.

There are different types of mathematical tasks, but they all have the primary aim of involving students. The tasks may be proposed by the teacher, challenges set by the student or may arise as a result of a collective dialogue. It is of fundamental interest, in the whole process, there flection inherent at task. In this work we present a reflection about the concept of mathematical task and we mention the different types of mathematical tasks. The work to be realized can be considered as a task, by the student, in a given time interval, with the aim that it should develop his capacity, for example, represent, relate and operate, solve problems and research in the context of the various mathematical subjects and having regard to his connection to real life situations, which are familiar.

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The proposed objective can be achieved using different types of mathematical tasks, namely, games, exercises, problems, projects and researches. These types of tasks are not tight, as they are considered problems suitable for a given level of education, it may be a simple exercise in later levels of education or even for certain students. These and other aspects have to be considered in the preparation and presentation of tasks. Examples implemented in classroom are presented as well as a critical analysis of the results.

Furthermore, in this work a dynamic geometry software, GeoGebra, is explored in tasks. This interactive tool is considered important in Mathematics Program to Basic Education in Portugal and some experiences will be reported, that is related with its use by teacher and student. The Bachelors of Science of Accounting and of Management of the Guarda Polytechnic Institute are interdisciplinary programmes that prepare students for challenging careers in accounting and finance markets as future decision makers.

This research focus one perspective of the agency theory that explains consistently, but relatively complex way, the disclosure of accounting information contained in the Annual Report.